The Plum Creek Municipal Authority will be doing maintenance work on Well No. 6, starting today, Tuesday, May 14, 2024. This maintenance work will take about two weeks to complete.  Well No. 6 will not be pumping during the maintenance period, which will have a temporary effect on the water supply in the storage tanks.

The Water Authority is strongly advising that all customers CONSERVE WATER AND ELIMINATE ALL UNNECESSARY WATER USE during the next few weeks to give the system time to recover after the maintenance has been completed.  There is NO boil alert in effect.  Thank you for your patience as we perform this necessary maintenance.

Plum Creek Municipal Authority

The Plum Creek Municipal Authority (PCMA) was formerly known as the Lake Wynonah Municipal Authority. The name of the Authority was changed early in 2010. The Authority was formed by South Manheim and Wayne Townships in 1970 to address the sewage and water needs in Lake Wynonah, a second-home development created in the early 1970's. The PCMA is managed by a Board of Supervisors which consists of three members appointed by South Manheim Township and two members appointed by Wayne Township. Originally the development was intended to accommodate "summer" homes with individual holding tanks for sewage. A sewage treatment plant was constructed for treatment of sewage collected (via pump truck) from the holding tanks with the possibility of installing a central sewage collection system in the future. As time passed, the homes in the development evolved into full-time residences. In addition, a subsequent study determined that a central sewage collection system was economically impractical. The Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) allowed new homes to be constructed using conventional on-lot sewage disposal systems with the understanding that both Wayne and South Manheim would develop and adopt a sewage management program for the development of Lake Wynonah.

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The development encompasses 1476 acres including two freshwater lakes. The homes in the development are distributed around the two lakes. Currently, there are 1,226 homes in the development. Of the 1,214 homes, approximately 149 still utilize holding tanks. The PCMA's sewage department consists of a sewage plant and 2 sewage pump trucks. Its water supply and distribution system consists of 4 deep-drilled wells, one pumping booster station, one 250,000-gallon water storage tank, one 1,000,000-gallon water storage tank, and over 30 miles of distribution piping. The PCMA has an office that is open five days a week to provide public access to the Authority. The business office, water system, sewage system, and all field operations are operated, maintained, and administered with a total of four full-time employees and a contracted manager.

The PCMA's mailing address is:

Plum Creek Municipal Authority
686 Berne Drive
Auburn, PA 17922

If you need general information or have questions concerning your water or sewage bill, please call the PCMA business office at 570-754-7222 from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Call the sewage treatment plant at 570-754-7505 from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. for holding tank pumps, septic pumps, and other sewage related matters, for water irregularities such as discolored water, for meter repairs, and for other water related matters.